Ghost Migration

4 translucent green hued ghosts are side stepping through a doorway of a haunted house.
Screenshot from Disney's 1937 cartoon Lonesome Ghosts.

This is my 1st Ghost post. I have felt like a ghost the past few weeks as I have been recovering from a sinus infection and figuring out how to use this platform. Libra season also has me feeling the need to turn inward. Libra is my 12th house and I am suspended in this liminal space. All of my latest writings feel sacred and private.

What I want to share is that I have moved from Substack to Ghost. Here is an article from the Anti-Defamation League about the rampant spreading of hate speech and misinformation on Substack and their lack of accountability. I did learn about this on Instagram, a Meta platform. I have witnessed a great deal of misinformation and bigotry on IG and Facebook which is why I was tentative about this move. As Substack tries to be compete with social media sites, I started to gain followers. These followers were TERFs. Yes, I can just block them, but I'm already doing that over on IG. I don't need another social media platform. I just want to write and share it with whoever is willing to read it.

Ghost is not as intuitive for me as I do not have a tech background. I migrated my Substack posts and subscriber list to Ghost easily with their Pro tools, but the building of this site has not been as easy. Thankfully, Ghost has wonderful customer service. They actually contacted me after I migrated my email list to verify I had permission to send emails. Their email stated: "We have a duty to reduce spam and to protect the health of our email delivery system, so we've set some minimum standards. This is essential for preventing deliveries that might negatively impact our sending reputation (and yours)."

My mind was blown. They actually care about my intimate group of email subscribers. And then they made my site functional when I confessed my lack of tech knowledge. I am super impressed so far with Ghost.

I still have my Substack. I am not going to delete it and I will continue to read my Substack subs. There are a lot of amazing writers on there– Alice Wong, Yvonne Aburrow, Amanda Yates Garcia. Margaret Atwood is sharing her personal library and writings for donations to the Pelee Island Bird Observatory. I have wonderful Missing Witches coven mates with awesome Substacks. I still begrudgingly have a Facebook to communicate with coworkers and family. I still participate in the aesthetic games of Instagram. I am still going to read whatever words are shared with me, but I will not participate in giving money through Substack. (Sorry Mystery Cult 😢).

A cylinder of bricks encloses water and a tall brick tower. Green grass grows on the edges. A white pathway leads to the cylinder with 2 figures moving towards it on either side. On the water, floats a white wheel with a windmill. A white figure wearing a cape with red hair is perched on top of the windmill.
Remedios Varo. The Tower (La torre). 1947

Soon we will transition to Scorpio season– my ASC, my 1st house. As I continue to develop my own astrological language, it took me a while to construct how Scorpio is a Water sign. Pisces and Cancer are easy to correspond to the flows of Water, but intense Scorpio, symbolized by the Scorpion, didn't make sense. Scorpions live in dry desert climates unlike the Pisces fish and Cancer crab. Scorpions obtain their water through the food they eat. They take their prey deep inside and transform it to water. If you have a pet scorpion, it is recommended to gently mist the surface of their living space as this will provide enough of an external water source.

Scorpio always feels like it is simmering on the surface, but the source is much, much deeper. Pisces feels like a solvent and Cancer provides a soft space for flow. The waters of Pisces dissolves, Cancer contains, and Scorpio submerges. I will be submerged for the next month or so. I hope to surface transformed. Scorpio season 2022 was intensely altering and I am hoping for a repeat. I may be ghost until it is all over or I may have a spark of inspiration to share. But for now I am cocooning. I am wishing you many spirited blessings as we enter the darkness.