
Esoteric phrase: I see and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.

๐ Lazy Tarot: Find the Hierophant in your deck. The cards on either side are your guidance for Taurus season. You could also find the Empress which corresponds with Venus, the ruler of Taurus.

How to work with Taurus in your chart
๐ Look at your 2nd house if you know your ASC. What bodies are there?
๐ Look at your Taurus house and placements.
๐ Look at your Venus and Vulcan placements.
๐ Look at your Taurus/Scorpio axis.
โ Icons
John Waters: April 22, 1946 โSun + Venus. I am grateful to my mother for allowing me to watch Hairspray and Crybaby when I was a child. I feel like it was formative in accepting that I am a weirdo.
John Oliver: April 23, 1977 โSun + Mercury rx. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is one of the only news programs that doesn't trigger my mental health. Information mixed with a healthy dose of humor. This is a feel-good story about John Oliver helping out a local bakery and food pantry. What is more Taurus than bear cakes being eaten ass first?
Carol Burnett: April 26, 1933 โSun + Moon + Venus. Cher: May 20, 1946 โSun + Mercury.
Mae Martin: May 2, 1987 โSun + Mercury. I listen to Handsome every week and love all 3 hosts. In this episode, Martin talks about their father's lunar rituals and manifesting in Nepal. There's also candle magic, vision boards, and other woo-woo stories with lots of laughs.
Salvador Dali: May 11, 1904 โSun + Mercury rx + Venus + Mars
Katharine Hepburn: May 12, 1907 โSun + Moon + Mercury. I absolutely love listening to memoirs read by the authors.

The creation of material is the ultimate freedom because thatโs creating the world I want.
George Carlin: May 12, 1937 โSun + Mercury + Uranus
Bruce McCulloch: May 12, 1961 โSun. My favorite member of the Kids in the Hall.
Nathan Fielder: May 12, 1983 โSun + Moon + Mercury +Mars. Fielder's comedy is a mix of satire, anxiety, and awkwardness that I appreciate. I find Fielder's lack of social media presence refreshing. The Curse is a surreal story about gentrification, rebellion through charity, and perceptions. The ending is unpredictable and original.
Trent Reznor: May 17, 1965 โSun + Mercury. I remember being around 9 or 10 and seeing Nine Inch Nails music videos on MTV super late at night. They were odd and a little disturbing, but I liked it. I still listen to The Downward Spiral regularly.
Grace Jones: May 19, 1948 โSun + North Node